How Blender Works Alternately of Food Processor

All the appliances we stock in our kitchens, blenders, and food processors are among the most useful. Many people think they perform the same tasks and that they could even be the same product.

So when it comes to blenders and food processors, can one be a good substitute for the other? And if so, when?

If you have questions about whether you can use a blender instead of a food processor, you have come to the right place.

We will aim to help you out in this article, and hopefully, you will be able to get the most out of your equipment.

blender instead of food processor

Food Processors

Food processors are known to have less powerful motors than those of a blender. Their blades, however, are razor sharp and more rigid, and that’s where they top blenders. Food processors are excellent multi-purpose devices, and they can make a wide range of foods effortlessly. They can quickly work through hard ingredients such as nuts or seeds. They also are fantastic for pulverizing onions and garlic, making them an excellent appliance for kitchen chefs in restaurants.

So when should you not use a compact food processor? When you have any liquid or

loose ingredients, you should avoid using a food processor because you would have to blend in more than one batch, as the bowl should not be overfilled, as this would cause leaking from the lid sides of the processor. Therefore, it is recommended to only use a food processor for meals with chunky ingredients, or sauces with texture, like pesto. Like smoothies or iced coffee drinks, anything else that is liquidy is not recommended to make in a food processor.

When making sauces or drinks with hard or solid ingredients, a food processor is best.


Compared to the food processors, blenders have much more powerful motors, and the blades aren’t sharp. The blades are more blunt than sharp, and the motor does most of the work in the blender. The motor is powerful, and it can easily blend ingredients into smooth purees and sauces, which is why blenders are preferred for liquidy beverages and recipes.

Blenders favor making things like smoothies, frozen cocktails, soups, and baby food, as they blend or even puree foods. There are not often many chunks, and the ingredients will come together in a smooth blend.

Can You Use a Blender Instead of a Food Processor? 

Technically speaking, you can use a blender instead of a food processor, but the result might not be what you want, and you may need to change the settings a little.

It’s essential to keep in mind that a blender might not handle the same amount of ingredients that a food processor would. This is down to the fact that the blades in a blender are not as sharp, and therefore they might not pulverize the ingredients and a

a food processor would.

Use Fewer Ingredients

To reach a similar consistency to that of a food processor, you’ll have to make fewer batches instead of one large batch. It is recommended to use half of the ingredients you would use in a traditional food processor and work your way up. This will ensure an evener consistency throughout your blending and give you a better final result.

If you end up putting too many ingredients into a blender, you will mostly find that the food at the top of the pitcher might not have the same texture as the food at the bottom. The food at the bottom might risk being overly processed, and so overall, an uneven mix will be the result.


Finally, when using a blender rather than a food processor, you will need to use the correct settings. Most blenders usually only have three speeds, and others can have up to six. Therefore, if you want to puree ingredients, then the highest setting will be fine to use. If, instead, you want to chop something, you will be better using the slowest setting. You may have to play around a bit until you find the most suitable speed.

It’s recommended never to add all your ingredients the first time you try it. This way, if things don’t work out, at least you haven’t wasted everything.


To conclude, if you are a smart cook and know your kitchen appliances, you will substitute a blender electric food processor. As long as you make some minor adjustments to the settings and make several batches rather than one big one, using a blender could be an excellent way to shoulder some kitchen work.

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